If you’ve taken a break over the recent festive season its possible you are still walking on air after a break from routine. Add in time with family, friends, delicious food, sunshine and sleep and its hard not to be walking lighter when you return to work. Refreshed and energised, what seemed overwhelming and impossible before your break suddenly seems so much easier to tackle, right?
I had a great break too. I especially enjoyed the two weeks break from my computer, and I am proud to say that I did achieve my goal to keep phone and ipad activity to personal use only.
So I’m walking on air too. But I began my holiday walking on air. And all because of a simple and unexpected exchange with a former client two weeks before Christmas.
We bumped into each other by chance at the coffee shop near her office. Anticipating the more common “Hello , good to see you “ sort of exchange I was surprised when instead she said “Hi there. I want you to know that I am still using what I learned from your program. Its been career changing”. Then after a short pause she said “Actually its more than that, its been life changing for me. Great to see you, bye.” And with that she was gone.
That simple unsolicited comment from someone who had been in one of my programs (more than 12 months previously) has kept me walking on air for over 4 weeks!
Knowing that what we do makes a difference to someone or contributes to something in some meaningful way is very powerful. Even now I get a little buzz when I think about her comment and I suspect it will keep my fueled and energised for some time yet.
You don’t need a holiday to get that walking on air, I can do anything feeling. High quality acknowledgement can do the same. And it’s a gift that you can give to others freely and easily in pretty well any sort of setting you can think of. Try it. “Hey Sam. I appreciate the way you X, it means “Y to me, and the result is Z . Thank you.”
Fuel for life.
- Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

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