Increasingly I hear leaders bemoan that there is not enough accountability in their organisation. The typical solution for this problem seems to be learning how to have a “Difficult Conversation”. And it’s a popular solution. Check out the room allocations in any CBD training venue and you are likely to find some type of “How to have a Difficult Conversation” workshop running on any given day.
But that is a narrow view on the real challenge, which is optimising performance. A “Difficult Conversation” at best will bring performance back to average. It is like using silicone on a gutter hole when the real problem is a roof slope that’s changed because of movement in the buildings foundation. Short term success of sorts. Long term you can expect more fixes will be needed, and the problem will worsen.
So I have been reflecting on the strategy required to get terrific performance consistently over time rather than patching and repairing problems in performance as it arises. After all, if people truly are your greatest asset then what about improving the asset rather than simply taking action when there’s a problem?.
The way I see it, leaders need to take responsibility for accountability and commit to the whole process. Yes, accountability is a process, not an event (like having a difficult conversation). The process begins with having conversations about aspirations and expectations, continues with regular conversations to check in and tune performance and includes milestone reviews for celebration, sharing learning, creating new opportunities and setting goals for the next period of time. It is an investment of time and effort that with care and attention will improve the value of your asset.
Leaders willing to take responsibility for the process of accountability can expect to have many different conversations over time with their colleagues. Their conversations are important rather than difficult. Done well, they ensure clarity, cohesion and build connection. Done really well, leaders can expect to build better relationships, inspire performance excellence and achieve better results.

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